Ocasio Cortez 9/11 No Big Deal

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Ocasio Cortez 9/11 No Big Deal Rating: 7,9/10 793 votes

Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal fails to pass first Senate vote

Forget the fact that had any other politician referred to 9/11 in such a casual, no-big-deal kind of way in the context Omar did, they also would have been called out. No matter their color, no matter their gender. Ocasio-Cortez has referenced her gender and color often during her young political career. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., came to the defense of her fellow freshman Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., on Thursday after conservatives attacked her for comments — mostly taken out of context — about 9/11. “I’m not going to quote the NY Post’s horrifying, hateful cover,” Ocasio-Cortez wrote. Georgia already has free tuition to state colleges and universities. The Hope scholarship is funded by lottery funds. Any student with a 3.0 in high school is eligible and the scholarship remains in effect as long as the student maintains a 3.0 in. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has been caught spreading a dangerous lie about Donald Trump Jr. Being part of a “criminal conspiracy.” “ICYMI: Rep. Khanna got Cohen to testify that Don Jr. Is the ‘second executive involved in criminal conspiracy,’” the socialist superstar tweeted on Friday. Ocasio-Cortez was responding to a jarring New York Post cover featuring the World Trade Center towers in flames on the day of the attacks. The Omar controversy stems from comments she made last.

U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., appeared on MSNBC Friday to address the Green New Deal with host Chris Hayes and discussed the dire world she's convinced lies ahead for Americans if climate change is not addressed.

“So this issue is not just about our climate. First and foremost we need to save ourselves. Period. There will be no future for the Bronx. There will be no livable future for generations coming, for any part of this country in a way that is better than the lot that we have today if we don't address this issue urgently and on the scale of the problem,” said Ocasio-Cortez.

The freshman congresswoman believes America has seen dire situations before and mobilized, but mostly in connection with conflict and war. 'Historically speaking, we have mobilized our entire economy around war. But I thought to myself it doesn't have to be that way, especially when our greatest existential threat is climate change,” Ocasio-Cortez said.


'First and foremost we need to save ourselves. Period.'

“And so to get us out of this situation, to revamp our economy to create dignified jobs for working Americans, to guarantee health care and elevate our educational opportunities and attainment, we will have to mobilize our entire economy around saving ourselves and taking care of this planet.”


Ocasio-Cortez also addressed critics of the Green New Deal legislation she'd co-sponsored, after MSNBC played a montage of Republicans and pundits, including some on Fox News, criticizing her and talking about “cow farts” and accusing her of wanting to take away their “hamburgers.”

Ocasio Cortez 9/11 No Big Deal

“I didn't expect them to make total fools of themselves,” Ocasio-Cortez said, saying she expected the criticism.

The congresswoman also said Hurricane Maria and the devastation caused on Puerto Rico was a sign that climate change problems are “here,” invoking the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks and criticizing the government for the lack of response.

Ocasio Cortez 9/11 No Big DealDid ocasio cortez say 9/11 was no big deal

“You know that this is here. This is not something that's coming. ... On the events of September 11 2001, thousands of Americans died in one of the largest terrorist attack on U.S. soil. And our national response -- whether we agree with that or not -- our national response was to go to war in one, then eventually two countries. Three thousand Americans died in Puerto Rico in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria. Where’s our response?” Ocasio-Cortez said to loud applause.

Rep Omar should know better. Her job is to serve the American people yet she has the nerve to try and belittle a terrorist attack on America. So she has of course been scrutinized for calling 9/11 “Some people did something.”

First off it was not some people, it was Islamic Terrorists. Secondly, it wasn’t an insignificant attack. These Islamic Radicals hijacked multiple planes and killed nearly 3000 Americans. This attack led to the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. How can anyone gloss over this?

The New York Post also found Omar to be inciting and they did something big about it. They made her quote the front page and responded in the best way.

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, a Rep for a district in New York, for whatever reason, feels the need to defend Omar. She had the following to say about The New York Post’s front page.

“The level to which Republicans and Conservatives group, whether they are official party apparatuses sending out emails, calling me and others domestic terrorists, or whether it’s Rupert Murdoch and the NY Post.

Printing on the front page to circulate all around New York City an image that is incredibly upsetting and triggering for New Yorkers that were actually there, and were actually in the radius, that woke up one morning ,or were in their schools and didn’t know if they were going to see their parents at the end of the day. To elicit such an image, for such a transparently and politically motivated attack on Ilhan…

Ocasio Cortez 9/11 No Big Deal News

“We are getting to the level where this is an incitement of violence against progressive women of color and if they can’t figure out how to get it back to policy, we need to call it out for what it is. Because this is not normal, and this is not a normal level of political debate or rhetoric. As wild as it can get sometimes this is beyond normal.”

Did Ocasio Cortez Say 9/11 Was No Big Deal

She’s right this is not normal. It’s not normal for a politician to marginalize a terrorist attack on America. It’s not normal that anyone would stand up for this type of unacceptable behavior. AOC has wild ideas about policy and socialist tendencies. But by defending Rep Ilhan Omar’s actions, she is condoning them, and no American should be ok with how she tried to make it out like 9/11 was no big deal. Especially those that are voted in and are supposed to be representing us. AOC should be ashamed of herself and her friend. The New York Post just did what every paper should have done after hearing what Omar said.