4 Spot Skimmer Dragonfly

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4 Spot Skimmer Dragonfly Rating: 9,5/10 5589 votes

Spangled Skimmer Male

Spangled Skimmer-Female

Eastern Amberwing Male

Eastern Amberwing Female

Eastern Pondhawk Male

Eastern Pondhawk Female

Twelve-Spotted Skimmer Female

Twelve-Spotted Skimmer Male

Common Whitetail Male

Common Whitetail-Female

Blue Dasher Female

Blue Dasher Male

Calico Pennant Female

Calico Pennant-Male

Common Green Darne rFemale

Common Green Darner Male

Great Blue Skimmer Female

Great Blue Skimmer Male

Widow Skimmer Female

Widow Skimmer Male

Halloween Pennant Female

Halloween Pennant Male

Slaty Skimmer-Male

Slaty Skimmer-Female

Golden-winged Skimmer-Male

Golden-winged SkimmerFemale

Chalk Fronted Corporal-Female

Chalk Fronted Corpora-Male

Blue Corporal-Male

Blue Corporal Female

Band-Winged Meadowhawk

Banded Pennant Female

Black Saddlebags-Teneral

Black Saddlebags

Black-Shouldered Spinyleg

Common Baskettail Female

Ruby Meadowhawk Male

Dot-Tailed Whiteface

Lancet Clubtail

Prince Baskettail

Carolina Saddlebags

Red Saddlebags

Bar-winged Skimmer

Spot-winged Glider

Stream Cruiser

Yellow-legged Meadowhawk

Springtime Darner

Twin-Spotted Spiketail

Brown Spiketail

Ashy Clubtail

Shadow Darner-Male

Russet-tipped Clubtail

Slender Spreadwing

0163 Forester Moth (4) 0164 Cistus Forester (4) 0169 Six-spot Burnet (2) 0171 Narrow-bordered Five-spot Burnet (3) 0196 Morophaga choragella (2) 0247 Tinea trinotella (1) 0283 Caloptilla betulicola (2) 0288 Caloptilla stigmatella (2) 0289 Caloptilia falconipennella (1) 0293 Caloptilia syringella (1) 0332a Phyllonorycter leucographella (1) 0382. Four-Spotted Chasers are instantly identifiable by the clearly visible dark spots on each wing (2 per wing, giving a total of 4 spots on each side, see photographs). A regular percher, often returning to the same specific perch, makes the Four-spotted a relatively easy dragonfly to photograph.

Skimmer Dragonfly Images

4 Spot Skimmer Dragonfly

Dragonfly Pool Skimmer

Fiery Skimmer Dragonfly - Orthetrum villosovittatum FAMILY LIBELLULIDAE. Males are territorial and will often return to the same spot. They seldom rest on ground. Female Female, body length 45mm The female has golden thorax and brown abdomen, with a black line on the back along the top of abdomen. The Dragonfly is a mobile floating pool skimmer that prevents the leaves and dirt from sinking by cleaning the pools surface first Leaves are removed quickly and not left to decompose in your water. Less nitrogen from rotting leaves = cleaner pool = less chlorine and other chemicals are used (and a more hygienic pool). Three different species, Four-spotted Skimmers (Libellula quadrimaculata), Eight-spotted Skimmers (Libellula forensis), Twelve-spotted Skimmer (Libellula pulchella), use the number of wing spots as their naming convention.