Occasional Cough

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Everyone coughs, and nobody worries about an occasional cough. Many acute illnesses — ranging from hay fever and the common cold to bronchitis and pneumonia — produce recurrent coughs. But the cough that accompanies acute illnesses resolves in a matter of a few days to a few weeks. Jun 13, 2020 While an occasional cough is normal, a cough that persists may be a sign of a medical problem. A cough is considered 'acute' if it lasts less than three weeks. It is considered 'chronic' if it lasts longer than eight weeks (four weeks in children). Some causes of coughs include. My Sheba is 2.5 years old and has been very healthy. The last few days I've noticed an occasional 'hacking cough' coming from 'someone' (I'm usually upstairs and hear it happening downstairs.) It's just one or two hacks and stopped by the time I get downstairs. This morning, Sheba came in the. Apr 23, 2020 Coughing is your body’s way of getting rid of an irritant. When something irritates your throat or airway, your nervous system sends an alert to your brain. Your brain responds by telling the.

Nov 10, 2008
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A cough is something that is common to other animals, but is rare in cats. When your cat does cough, there is either inflammation or irritants within their throat, airway, or lungs. It should not be confused.

My Sheba is 2.5 years old and has been very healthy. The last few days I've noticed an occasional 'hacking cough' coming from 'someone' (I'm usually upstairs and hear it happening downstairs.) It's just one or two hacks and stopped by the time I get downstairs.
This morning, Sheba came in the bathroom for her 'dink-a-dink' (drink) from the bathroom sink. She usually meows as I ask her if she wants to be lifted, etc and I noticed her soprano voice was more like a tenor this morning. Later I heard a series of 5 hacks coming from her bed downstairs. I now had my answer.
She acts normal, is eating and drink normally as well. I'm thinking possibly a hairball????? so gave all the cats remedy for that this morning. I plan to observe her closely at this point.
Do you think I'm OK with waiting a day or two to see if it IS a hairball? The voice change is kind of concerning but I hate to take her in if it's just something viral that will run its course in a day or two. Of course if anything changes--behavior, eating, etc, I'll take her in right away.

Do you have a cough that seems to have no cause? A little more angry or touchy than usual? The liver gallbladder alarm points can be the cause. This is especially common in early spring end of winter when sour fruit such as grapefruit is in season.

There is an early warning indicator in the lower chest Liver gall bladder alarm points. Check the points in the lower ribcage on both sides of chest. If they are uncomfortable to touch or more so a cleanse could help - see below- along with acupressure, Biomodulator or other structural bodywork. Yearly Gallbladder and Liver cleansing is sort of like getting your car aligned; it may not be obvious that things could be better until tires and suspension parts have worn prematurely and major work is needed.

Light rotations with clockwise for LV14 and counterclockwise for GB24 can also relieve cough and chest pain. They do stimulate cleansing, however so bathroom access is important.

Of course, if the pain is great call 911, have someone help you to medical urgent care or emergency room.

1.First thing in morning drink one teacup about 6 oz of grapefruit juice and two tablespoons extra virgin olive oil do not drink or eat anything else for 30 min

It is also helpful to take at bedtime 6 oz of either grapefruit of prune juice and two table spoons extra virgin olive oil.

2. Drink a quart of apple juice/day or take 2 Magnesium malate 870 mg each capsules to soften any existing stones in gall bladder. Buy here

7-10 days usually gives results - one person did it for a month along with the Super Conscious Living Exercises (daily several times per day) and cleansed the liver as well.

3.Taurine is an amino acid needed to make bile. According to studies cited on p 263 of “Healing is Voltage”, 100% of the persons deficient in taurine developed gallstones. In those given supplements, the formation dropped to zero. 1000 mg/day is the amount given.

Occasional Cough Covid

4. It is helpful to take Vitamin C 2000 mg/day

Frequent bathroom trips can happen! Especially after the Magnesium Malate!

Warning Talk to a Health Care Provider before trying this one. Things like Mega colon etc. make for a contraindication.

Occasional coughing

Eat no red meat or nut butters for the 7 days, At bedtime drink:

Dr Jerry Tennant 4 drops Liver Flush Tea ($ 45/bottle plenty for 5-10 yearly cleanses min)
4 Drops Orange Essential oil (High Quality available from Aumkara Structural Bodywork or Dr Tennant $20/bottle
4 drops Frankincense Essential oil in a cup of warm water.

along with
1 TBS raw local honey has been added
1 TBL organic unrefined coconut oil has been dissolved
1 TBL Coco powder (organic)

Occasional Cough

also 6 magnesium malate capsules per day 870 milligrams min.
Day 6 - day before the BIG day! get ready for day 7!

eat light breakfast bowl of steel cut oats, fruit and yogurt for example.

Eat Big salad for lunch.

have the 6 Magnesium Malate capsules early!

At 5:00pm 1 TBL Epsom Salts with 6 oz water
At 7:00pm 1 TBL Epsom Salts with 6 oz water
At 9:00pm 1 TBL Epsom Salts with 6 oz water

AT 11:00 drink the essential oils

For heavily challenged livers more cleanse cycles, concurrent bodywork and diet changes will help along with more cycles of protocol (more essentials oils and and salts. No it is not fun, however surgery and physical therapy is not either nor is it free or faster.

Frequent bathroom trips can happen! Especially after the Magnesium Malate!

What comes through that floats in the toilet:

Occasional Cough During The Day

Another option, less intense, though not shown to help the Gall Bladder, is Tomato juice fasting. Liver Toning by Tomato fasting potentially reduces anger.

The spiritual quality of Tomatoes is mental strength. From Art and Science of Rajayoga - Swami Kriyananda

“the tomato is a curative specific for most liver conditions.”

Occasional Cough

Occasional Cough In Dogs

This is from the Teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda, author of Autobiography of a Yogi Anyone can stand the rigors of a 3-day fast on tomato juice, taking a glassful, say, every 2 hours, followed by a glassful of water. Or, if desired only three glasses may be taken, namely, one in the morning, one at noon, and one in the evening. More on blog page - scroll down to Tomato fasting