How Sloths Defend Themselves

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While sloths are lethargic and non-aggressive, they possess 4-inch claws that they use to defend themselves from predators. However, on the ground they can only travel about 53 feet per hour, making them easy to evade. Of course, if they have to fight, sloths use these claws to protect themselves, too. When you're cold, you might jump around to stay warm, but sloths are too weak. Their fur acts like a thick.


How do sloths defend themselves against predators?


1 Answer

Sloths are slowest organisms. Eating mostly leaves with low calories.


Sloths are always hanging upside down in a dense forest in high branches.
The food of sloth is leaves in low calorie. There is no much meat in the body of a sloth.
Larger predators are not interested in eating sloth. For larger birds sloth is heavy to lift. Generally predators ignore the sloth.
For defense sloths are equipped with large claws. These sharp claws with powerful nails can rip the predator. In short sloths can defend themselves with the help of claws.

Related questions

There are two main species of sloths; two and three toed.


  • Lifespan 20-30 years

  • 60-80 cm long (24-31 inches)

  • 3.5-6 kg (8-17 pounds)

Despite their reputation, sloths only sleep an average of 10 hours a day. They are the world's slowest mammal, reaching an average speed of 4 meters (14 feet) a minute.

They do most things upside down: eat, sleep, mate, and even give birth. Because of their upside down life, many of their internal organs (liver, stomach, spleen, pancreas) are in different positions from other mammals. They have 4 inch curved nails to help them hang from the branches, where they spend the majority of their time. In fact they only climb down once a week to go 'relieve' themselves.

Although mostly docile, sloths can defend themselves with their sharp claws.Their main form of protection however is their camouflage. Predators, beside people, include large snakes, harpy and other birds. Also, jaguars and ocelots are a danger when the sloth is on the ground. On the ground it moves extremely slowly. Surprisingly, sloths are good swimmers.

How Sloths Defend Themselves

Other interesting facts

  • Low metabolic rates: Three chambered stomach takes a week to process food

  • Heterothermic: Body temperature changes according to environment

Comparing Two and Three Toed Sloths

Three Toed

How Sloths Defend Themselves People

  • Can rotate their heads 270 degrees

  • Diurnal

Two Toed

How Sloths Defend Themselves Human

  • Larger

  • Nocturnal