6 Results Of The War Of 1812

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WarOutcomes of the war 1812

What were the results of the War of 1812?

This was a peace treaty between Britain and the USA that ended the war of 1812. All conquered territory was to be returned. In addition border disputes between Canada (ruled by GB) and the USA solved. The war proceeded because the peace treaty was signed in Belgium and news took 4-6 weeks to get to the shores of the USA. Fact #6: Many famous Americans fought and served during the War of 1812. Many prominent leaders in the war later became prominent Americans. William Henry Harrison, the famous hero of Tippecanoe in 1811, gained more fame from the War of 1812, leading successful campaigns against the British and Native Americans in the Northwest.

Events of the war of 1812
  • Which is a result of the War of 1812? What battle during the War of 1812 was fought even though the war was over? Battle of Trenton.
  • February 18 – The Treaty of Ghent is declared; the War of 1812 is over. February 20 – USS Constitution engages the HMS Cyane and HMS Levant, not knowing the war was over. April 6 – Seven American prisoners are killed and 32 wounded in the “Dartmoor Massacre” at Dartmoor Prison in Devon, England. May 24 – Battle of the Sink Hole.
  • War of 1812: Jeffersonian Era Part II – Causes, Battles, Outcomes – for U.S. History Classes This lesson, Part II of our series of the Jeffersonian Era, teaches about the events leading up the War of 1812, the major battles and events of the war, and its outcomes. Content covered in this lesson inc.

1 Answer

The Canadian border was clarified and US and UK navies began to cooperate.


For the British and Canadians, America's northern borders were established at a far more southern point than America had been claiming. For the American side, British naval vessels had to stop seizing American ships and conscripting Americans into British naval service. (This was an actual issue.) Also, Britain and America's navies cooperated in ending the pirate trade in the North Atlantic. The two nations also stopped licensing privateers to attack one another's ships.

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